Saturday, January 30, 2010

This one time at fiddle camp . . .

My good friend Ward MacDonald is running a new camp in Prince Edward Island in June. Despite it's name, PEI Fiddle Camp will actually include instruction in a number of musical disciplines - fiddle, mandolin, guitar, piano and more, but most importantly, instruction from two of the best and most funnist smallpipers on this side of the world, Dr. Ellen MacPhee and Tim Cummings.

Here's the website:

It will be June 20th -26th. So mark your calenders and send in your deposits.

I will be providing a number of "practice sets" for the week, so anyone who is interested in trying out smallpiping for the first time would be wise to sign up quick and reserve one.

I haven't been this excited about going to camp in a long time.  Ward's camp will allow pipers something that I think is incredibly important, and all too rare, the chance to just be one type of musician among many types.  We tend not integrate ourselves into the folk music world very well, but this camp will help.  Ellen and Tim will show you how to play with others, and every night there will be chances to play with others in jams/sessions.

And here's Ward MacDonald showing off some of his abundant fiddling and fiddle teaching skills.

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